Sunday, February 8, 2009

1 year ago

Today is a year anniversary of my surgery for my ectopic pregnancy. It has been a whirlwind of different emotions this last year.  Time really does help heal. I am finally coming to grips with the thought of Presley being our only one. Some days I am really good but some days not so much. I think as time goes on I will feel more at peace with not having any more but it is still a touchy subject for me. I also hate when people say well it might happen now that you aren't thinking about it....yeah hello the are medical reasons we can't get pg on our own. I know most people are trying to say the right things but it is best to just not say anything to me at this point especially someone who has no idea what it is like to deal with infertility. I think this year is going to be better for me as time goes on I know my heart will heal even more and hopefully some of this anger will go away. I still am holding on to some anger and I know I will have to work thru that. Presley is so cherished and I love being a mom and I want to be a happy mom for her. It is just so sad how times has gone so fast and how big she is already. I do miss a lot of the baby stuff but I love this stage too it is just going so fast I wish it would slow down a little!!!


  1. Its hard - every year when March 5th rolls around I remember too. I hope you find peace with your decision whatever it ends up being.
