Tuesday, June 23, 2009

hot hot hot


Man the last 2 days have really been nasty sticky hot. The air has been running non stop and it still feels warm in the house. My poor bunnies are just panting. I brought Opie in the house a few times and let him cool off in the bathtub. The nice cool tub must have felt good on his belly. Lionel the Lionhead I dipped him in the kiddie pool a couple times and I think he enjoyed the cool down too. I think it is going to be better for the next few days. I guess it is summer now.  Not much else has been going on quite boring around here...no new critters

Friday, June 19, 2009


I just can't handle the humidity as I have gotten older and carrying a little more body fat than I am used to. I caved and put the air on today. It isn't that it is going to be too hot but that humidity makes me crazy. When you are just sitting in the house and you are all clammy and sweaty your know it is time for the air. Presley also is like a little furnace so I think she will have a better nap today. The last couple days it is been hot in the house and her naps last about 1.5 hours compared to her 2.5 hours like usual. She is also cutting all 4 2 year molars so I am sure those are causing a little bit of a problem. We have a busy weekend. Tomorrow is our 12 year wedding anniversary and then father's day on sunday. Also our nephew's open house is tomorrow. I can't believe he is graduated from high school. I remember when I first started dating Greg he was just about 3-4 years old....not much older than Presley and now he is off to college. That just makes my head spin knowing it is just going to go so fast and I'll be sending Presley off to college someday...if she wants to go. For now I am going to cherish every moment even the bad ones cuz it really is going so fast already.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Kickin' my butt

I don't know what my problem is this week but I am soooo tired. The first thing I do is run to my coffee pot and brew the thickest black tar you ever drank and that doesn't even seem to help. I could have taken a nap today but I have to get up at 2:30am to leave for the rabbit show in the morning!!! I am going to be one tired lil' girl by tomorrow night. I am riding up with a lady I have never met, I just found her this week, she breeds french lops and is going to the show to show some of her rabbits. I was going to buy one from her but then I found out about the show and I want to check out some rabbits there first. She only has solids and I really love the brokens so I didn't want to settle until I check out all my options. I told Greg last night that I want to start showing and maybe breeding french lops....he didn't say much other than as long as it doesn't take up too much of my time. I think he just doesn't want to be stuck home with Presley on the weekends all the time. I said when she is old enough her and I'll be out of your hair and you can have some weekends to yourself. I guess I will see what happens this weekend and if it looks like something that would be fun I'll just play it by ear. So back to going up there with a complete stranger.....if you don't hear from me again you know what happened!

My muscovy ducks are 2 weeks now so I have taken them outside a couple times this week to play. They are so dang cute waddling all around. They are still pretty nervous of us but will let us be by them. They say not to be too friendly with them cuz when the boys hit sexual maturity they can view us as an equal and can get aggressive if there are females he is trying to swoon. Well if I have a male and he is nasty he will just go bye-bye. They have sharp claws and we don't need any crazy males attacking us.  I still need to work on a duck house for them. I think by this time next week they can have free range of the backyard and they will need a place to go into at night from predators. 

Booboo is doing well since he has been back home. I have treated him twice with DE for his fleas and yesterday I couldn't find any live ones on him so hopefully they are all dead and we don't have a problem in the yard with any more fleas.  I think I contained it to just him in his cage but one never knows about those nasty bugs. In 12 years of owning animals I have never had to deal with any fleas so this is a first for me. I'm not worried about the chickens cuz they have DE in their bedding and the new rabbit I get I will put DE in his bedding as well. I should sprinkle some in the dog's bedding and maybe rub Louie down with some too just for preventive measures. You can never be too safe.  DE is diatomaceous Earth it is wonderful stuff for many things. You just have to make sure it is food grade cuz they have stuff that isn't and it is toxic. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

where's booboo?


I took this pic out my bedroom window. Yes he is helping himself to my newly planted veggies. He won't touch the weeds that are growing ....no he wants the good stuff. Last night one of my clients brought me a live trap they have and I set it out with his fave , timothy hay. He sat in sniffed around the cage but won't go into it. I'll leave it for awhile and maybe he'll get use to it and feel comfortable and we can catch him. He is ruining my plants so hopefully we can get a fence around it  and maybe can catch him in there and then he can't get out. I just hope we can get him before the fox in the neighborhood does.

Since we are on the bunny subject the hutch is almost done!! I am heading to a rabbit show in grand rapids on saturday and hopefully will be coming home with a new french lop!!! I met a breeder and we are driving up together and I am going to be her assistant for the day. I think I might get into showing french lops!! I know I know I am one crazy woman. Now I can't just be called the crazy chicken lady now it will be the bonkers bunny lady, the dorky duck lady and the list continues. Hey one can never say I don't like trying new things. I know when Presley is old enough I will be getting her into 4-H and she can show rabbits and/or chickens. It can be a mother/daughter team. I will have to get her a smaller breed of rabbit to show cuz I don't think a 4-5 year old will be able to lug a big 15 pound bunny around very easily. She could do the holland lops or maybe if the lionhead becomes a recognized breed she can do that. I would have loved that as a child. I am just living my childhood now the way I want to. I don't want to be old and have regrets about not doing the things I wanted to. It is going to be pure torture to only come home with one bunny this weekend......

Friday, June 5, 2009


I planted a bunch of veggies from seeds last week and they are all sproutin' thru the ground. The carrots I don't see yet so hopefully they will be soon. Now I'm not sure when I start thinning them out cuz there are so many so close together. I have never had a veggie garden so I am just kinda winging it this year. I planted 17 tomato plants and I think a few are kinda close so I might have to rearrange things but I don't have a lot of room in the one spot I chose. I also think I will need to get some fencing around cuz we do have wild rabbits around. Actually booboo is one of them. He got out of the yard a few days ago and everyday I have been out there trying to catch him and he just runs from me. I was running around the neighborhood for over an hour last night with a fishing net trying to capture him. I almost got him a few times but was just cm's from getting him in the net. Maybe tonight greg will help after P goes to sleep and with both of us we can get him. So anyone looking for some free entertainment pull up a chair and watch the white's run the neighborhood and get out smarted by a lil bunny. Last night I was running thru pine trees after him and getting all scratched up and out ran 2 wild rabbits with him. So now I know why he doesn't want to come home....he is gettin' some lovin' from the wild rabbits. But yesterday I noticed a few of the giant sunflowers I planted from seed are now missing. They were just an inch above the soil and now today when I was watering they are gone!!! So I better put up fencing. I guess booboo needs to eat but he can eat the neighbor's stuff. Today P and I were heading out the front door and Louie almost knocks me over trying to get into the house and as I was putting P in her carseat I see an animal control van coming up the hill. I wonder if they were trying to get Louie??? Or if someone called about the stray bunny eatin' up their flowers??? I guess I'm the neighbor who's animals run amuck!!!! So louie is on house arrest today and he can go out tonight after mr animal control punches off the clock. There is just no way to keep Louie in the house. He usually stays close but I would be so upset if he went missing. I better put a phone number on his collar so at least if he gets thrown in the clink they will call me. I am suppose to be getting my new bunny at the end of the weekend. I have been waiting for a french lop for a few weeks to get weened and one of Greg's friends is suppose to bring him back from MO. I have been trying to find a french lop and they are so hard to find breeders. There are quite a few in TX but no one ships. I did talk to a lady from TX who breeds them and her DH was coming up to IA this summer and I could meet him and get the bunny  but hopefully this one from MO comes thru. I did find a woman in ND and is having a litter soon. So one way or another by the end of summer I should have my french lop. They are the huge bunnies that have the floppy ears. They can get around 15 pounds. Hey maybe I should go into breeding french lops since no one else around here does. We are going to work on building a bunny hutch this weekend. I want to do it myself but I need a little help with some of the saws I get a little nervous around them so Greg was going to give me some lessons. Maybe if I end up with a girl bunny booboo will want to come back home!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

and then there was 12

today a lady came and bought priscilla. priscilla crowed last week so she was a he. i have the motto here "if you crow you gotta go" someday we will live where we can have roosters but for now i have to make nice with the neighbors. presley spent the whole weekend at my moms and she was a perfect angel.... i see many more sleepovers in her future. it was pure heaven to have tome to do what we wanted to do!!! thanks grandma jo you are the best!!!