Monday, March 16, 2009

whiny butt

I think I am going to legally change Presley's name to whiny butt!!! She has been a real treat the last few days. From morning to night  it just whiny meltdowns. I know she is still not 100% better from being sick and she hasn't been sleeping good so I know that has a ton to do with it but man she is really testing my patience. On top of that I just haven't felt very good. I am just dizzy and feel like puking. I was able to run some errands this morning but now I'm back in bed feeling like crap! It is such a beautiful day I feel like I am wasting it right now. Maybe if I take a little nap I will be better???

1 comment:

  1. Mary has days like that - no amount of reasoning seems to work on her so frustrating! She doesn't even really like TV so I can't use that sometimes going to work feels like a vacation!!
