Tuesday, March 10, 2009

so dreary

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Man for the last 3 days we have not see even a glimpse of the sun. Soon this madness has to end. So yesterday afternoon my GF stopped over and we got to catch up. We haven't seen each other for about a year I think?? Well Presley woke up from her nap and was in our bedroom while we were out in the living room and we heard her start crying so we go running and walk  projectile vomit all over the place!! So I throw P in the tub and have Tonya sit in there to keep an eye on her while I strip all my bedding and clean up vomit all over. It even got on the curtains so pull them down and will try to wash them but they say dry clean only but I'll take my chances. She seems ok but not up to full speed today but no more puking or poopy butt. I felt so bad for Tonya having to deal with the yuck. I do love that fact that she is so mellow today she has been on the couch non stop watching nemo and hasn't moved an inch. So I had class last night and I got a 100% on my test last week!!! It was so easy that I thought I did it wrong but what a relief. No class next week cuz of spring break so that is nice. Well I have chili in the crockpot and the laundry is almost done so a good feeling! I work tonight so they'll have dinner all ready....love that crockpot!


  1. How sad Presley is sick - Mary always wants to check your blog "see what Presley is doing?" she is going to say "Oh poor Presley is sick" when I read this one to her!

  2. p.s. happy to see another pacie face!

  3. oh yeah NOT getting that out during an illness

  4. Oh no! Poor girl. It's so pitiful to see our little energizer bunnies all worn out a draggy when they're sick. I hope she's already feeling better. Does it ever feel like they're sick more than not. Sometimes I think so.
