Tuesday, May 5, 2009

break time yet?

Greg has been working so many hours and that means I am with Presley so many extra hours. I need a break!!!!! Greg does for that matter too. She is just exhausting right now with all her energy and she can't seem to entertain herself for 2 minutes. She follows me from room to room and wants BIG hugs all the time. I love that she is so affectionate but I swear she asks for bigs hugs 100 times a day. The other day at the grocery store i had to give her about 10 big hugs from the cart. I feel like hiding in the closet for 10-15 minutes just to have a moment for myself! Last night I had class so I was able to get out of the house and that was nice. I had a test and I think I did ok I didn't know a few of the answers so I just guessed. We just have one assignment left. He passed out new pens to all of us and we have to take 24 different shots using the pen. It doesn't have to always be the main subject it just has to be in the shot somewhere. So I am trying to think of some creative shots....24 is a lot of pens shots. I figure if I do about 3-4 a day I will be set for monday. I can't let it all go till sunday night running around with my pen. Is it nap time yet???? SOOOO tired!!!!


  1. Oh I will take big hugs any day over the trouble Mary seems to find! The little shit even let herself out of the house (and was walking down the sidewalk) Saturday while I was cooking lunch and Courtney was supposed to be watching her! Seems like we have to be watching her every second or she is up to something!

  2. oh I know you just blink and they find trouble. I found her covered head to toe in my makeup the other day!!! She emptied out 2 mineral makeup eyeshadows!!!
