Thursday, July 16, 2009


Greg bought Presley a trampoline. I am calling it her very early b-day present! It is fun but man are they an eye-sore in the yard. We are running out of room in this yard we really need a few acres. We have been bouncing non-stop for the last couple days. It is such a great workout though. I put my heart rate monitor on to see and I was able to keep my HR up without too much bouncing. Just got those arms a-flappin' and that is all it took. So I was doing jumping jacks at 7:30am this morning while she was bouncing along. It is a good way to start the day it gets the adrenaline flowing. It also keeps the core engaged at all times and my core needs lots of help! I am so excited for the upcoming rabbit show this weekend!! It is only an hour away from me so I don't have to be up at 2:30am this time. I can sleep till 5:45. I am hoping to find a good looking doe for Opie. I am hoping she will be about 5 months old or if not at least she can be proven and a little older. Opie won't be ready to breed for another 5 months or so. Either way I will probably wait till the cold winter starts warming up. I think maybe about March unless I bring the lops in the garage too. I would really love to find a pair of american fuzzy lops but I think Greg would kill me if I went with 3 different breeds. They are all so cute....I need to relax!


  1. One more observation - does anyone else think its funny Sheila thinks the trampoline is any eyesore but the chicken coop is not??

  2. my chicken coop is so cute!!!
