Thursday, October 15, 2009

please don't get sick

So Presley had a playdate with a friend last night and her dad calls Greg today because she was at the doctor and has H1N1. I am praying she doesn't get sick!!! It just makes me so nervous I am such a worry wort as it is and I was dreading having this flu in our home.  So we will see in the next 5-7 days if she comes down with any symptoms. I will just make she she gets plenty of sleep and eats more healthy stuff. I hope we are spared the flu this year. If she does gets sick please let it be mild. I hate watching our lil' ones sick. There is nothing worse taking care of a sick one when you are sick too.....So everyone say a little prayer that Presley doesn't get sick!!!


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  2. hey, hope she doesn't get the flu. the eating right and resting a lot part sounds great. hope her friend gets better too.
