Friday, June 5, 2009


I planted a bunch of veggies from seeds last week and they are all sproutin' thru the ground. The carrots I don't see yet so hopefully they will be soon. Now I'm not sure when I start thinning them out cuz there are so many so close together. I have never had a veggie garden so I am just kinda winging it this year. I planted 17 tomato plants and I think a few are kinda close so I might have to rearrange things but I don't have a lot of room in the one spot I chose. I also think I will need to get some fencing around cuz we do have wild rabbits around. Actually booboo is one of them. He got out of the yard a few days ago and everyday I have been out there trying to catch him and he just runs from me. I was running around the neighborhood for over an hour last night with a fishing net trying to capture him. I almost got him a few times but was just cm's from getting him in the net. Maybe tonight greg will help after P goes to sleep and with both of us we can get him. So anyone looking for some free entertainment pull up a chair and watch the white's run the neighborhood and get out smarted by a lil bunny. Last night I was running thru pine trees after him and getting all scratched up and out ran 2 wild rabbits with him. So now I know why he doesn't want to come home....he is gettin' some lovin' from the wild rabbits. But yesterday I noticed a few of the giant sunflowers I planted from seed are now missing. They were just an inch above the soil and now today when I was watering they are gone!!! So I better put up fencing. I guess booboo needs to eat but he can eat the neighbor's stuff. Today P and I were heading out the front door and Louie almost knocks me over trying to get into the house and as I was putting P in her carseat I see an animal control van coming up the hill. I wonder if they were trying to get Louie??? Or if someone called about the stray bunny eatin' up their flowers??? I guess I'm the neighbor who's animals run amuck!!!! So louie is on house arrest today and he can go out tonight after mr animal control punches off the clock. There is just no way to keep Louie in the house. He usually stays close but I would be so upset if he went missing. I better put a phone number on his collar so at least if he gets thrown in the clink they will call me. I am suppose to be getting my new bunny at the end of the weekend. I have been waiting for a french lop for a few weeks to get weened and one of Greg's friends is suppose to bring him back from MO. I have been trying to find a french lop and they are so hard to find breeders. There are quite a few in TX but no one ships. I did talk to a lady from TX who breeds them and her DH was coming up to IA this summer and I could meet him and get the bunny  but hopefully this one from MO comes thru. I did find a woman in ND and is having a litter soon. So one way or another by the end of summer I should have my french lop. They are the huge bunnies that have the floppy ears. They can get around 15 pounds. Hey maybe I should go into breeding french lops since no one else around here does. We are going to work on building a bunny hutch this weekend. I want to do it myself but I need a little help with some of the saws I get a little nervous around them so Greg was going to give me some lessons. Maybe if I end up with a girl bunny booboo will want to come back home!!!


  1. Thx for the entertaining commentary! In addition to watching the Whites chase BooBoo we think it would be extremely entertaining to watch Greg teach you to use the saw! (be careful....)

  2. Nothing like wild bunny loving...
