Thursday, October 15, 2009
please don't get sick
Monday, October 5, 2009
Presley is 3 today
Happy birthday my big girl
Friday, October 2, 2009
wiped out
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
a mellow weekend
Friday, September 18, 2009
couch potato to 5k
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
another year
Thursday, September 10, 2009
made my first goal
So my first goal was to lose 10 pounds by my birthday and I did it with 5 days to spare. Even with the family reunion and the state fair I managed to still lose in time. SOOO now my next goal is to lose 10 more by thanksgiving. That is a nice mellow goal for 11 weeks away. I might be able to do more but that is a good start I don't want to feel too deprived. I am just looking forward to getting my pre-presley body back. I never knew how hard it was to lose this dang baby weight. She was worth every ounce but man she is almost 3 and I am still fartin' around with getting serious about dealing with it. I figure by the end of this year I should be at "my ideal" weight. Not sure if I'll ever see size 2 again but not really that important like it was when I was in my 20's. Just feeling good about myself and more energy is what I'm shootin' for. Now If I could just get more exercise in my routine I would be steps!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I made the right choice
Virgo and Libra
A partnership between these two signs can be quite harmonious, owing to their shared love of culture and beauty and their desire for security in a relationship. With similar goals and values, these two work well together because they are both working for the same thing.
Virgo and Libra both have a taste for the finer things in life, possessing a shared passion for art, collecting and the theatre. They both love a good conversation, and bring culture and beauty with them wherever they go. Both signs also have a reputation for snobbery, thanks to Virgo’s high expectations and Libra’s tendency to see themselves as intellectually superior to others.
Many of this pair’s differences actually complement each other well. Virgo is a mutable sign, easygoing and adaptable, while Libra is a cardinal sign and prefers to take the lead. However, Libra is not dominating, but instead offers gentle guidance, to which Virgo responds well.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Cupcake and George

So here are 2 pics one of cupcake the mini rex I got and a new lionhead buck. I decided Lionel isn't going to cut it with being a herd buck. His mane stinks and Bety won't breed with him so I got a new buck. He is only 3 months old so he needs another 6-8 weeks or so before I can use him to breed. If Bety turns him down then I'm not sure what to do....guess she is a lot like me;). I need to build a nestbox for Vivien incase she is preggo. If she is she is due in about 10 days or so. We had a gorgeous weekend for weather. Yesterday we went to the arboretum and it was just beautiful. That place is stunning with all the gardens and landscaping. I didn't bring my big camera because I wanted to walk without lugging it around. Greg had his little P&S so we got some pics. My neck is still healing and I just can't have anything heavy around it for a little longer. Maybe I'll make an appt. for a massage next week for my birthday. I can't believe I'm going to be 37 already! My diet is going good I am down 9 pounds so it looks like I will hit my 10 pound goal for my birthday!~!! My next goal is to lose another 10 by thanksgiving. I think as long as I keep the goals simple and not to lose the weight to fast like I usually do I think I will keep it off. Before I would lose the weight in half the time but it always crept back on. I really need to start working out more that will help speed it up a little more and turn the mush to muscle. All I know is 9 pounds feels good and it is a great motivator to see more come off.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
bunny fun
Sunday, August 23, 2009
just a hen house
Saturday, August 15, 2009
lazy saturday

Today was a great lazy day Greg had to run to do some work in the morning and was home around noon and we did a little yard work and played in the yard with Presley. Mark & Georgia came over with the twins and they all bounced on the tramp and ran around the yard naked!! They were running thru the sprinkler so 3 naked toddlers streaking the backyard was too funny. That is Presley favorite thing to be is naked. That girl is always pulling off her clothes and running around in the buff. I think when the temps turn -20 degrees around here she'll be singing another tune. I caught Porckchops my d'uccle chicken laying another egg today so that has been her! I made sure she got her props today and Greg thinks I'm a totally loony bird as I was praising her for being such a good chicken!!! Oh well I get a kick out of it.....
Friday, August 14, 2009
eggs for breakfast
Last night I was giving the chickens fresh water and noticed 2 little eggs in the corner!!! So exciting to have fresh eggs already. So this morning I couldn't wait to crack them open and see what they looked like and tasted like. They are very tiny still but as the chickens get older they will be a little bit bigger. So they were so tasty and the yolks were such a pretty orange color. Presley liked them too. I am so proud of my girls and so excited for fresh eggs from here on out!! No more buying grocery store eggs......
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
5 pounds
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Yet another attempt to lose this fat!! I have tried it once before (maybe twice) and it worked well when I was on it I just only did it for a couple 2...3 weeks and then went back to full on carbs. What I love about atkins is it is stuff I love to eat, meat and cheese and eggs. I have been doing the atkins bars and shakes too they are easy and quick when I need to put something in my belly. The choc coconut bars are sooo good just like a candy bar. I started monday and yesterday I hit a nasty wall of something?? I think it was sugar detox!!! I got so sick I felt like puking and so tired I had to sleep most the day then last night I was all better and today I have so much energy and it is a nice constant energy. I have been cleaning non stop all day. I think my problem was I always was carb chasing and I get so shaky and crabby if I don't eat all the time. I think with more protein I don't have to ups and downs and I really do feel content most the day not like I need to eat my arm off with most diets. So I am committing to this for 6 weeks and then see what to do at that point. If you think about this it is a healthy way to lose weight. Lean meats like fish and chicken and green veggies and olive oils...also don't forget about the great cheese and beef that this girl loves!!! I think I can do this....wait I know I can do this for 6 weeks!!! 6 weeks goes so fast!!!
Monday, August 3, 2009
attack of the ants

Saturday I spent weeding some more and I guess I was sitting on an ant hill and all of a sudden I felt bites all over me and realized I was being attacked by tiny ants. Man they hurt and now I have welts and they itch SO badly!!! I want to scrape my skin off. It even woke me up in the middle of the night and the more I scratch the more it itches. I had to get up and try putting different things on to make it stop so I could fall back to sleep. I put a good dent in the weed situation but I don't think I will get it under control this summer...maybe next year Greg will help, he is boycotting the yard this year. I had the house to myself yesterday and I laid in bed and watched old movies all day!!! I loved it and really miss those little luxuries. Greg took Presley to Red wing and they had a parade so she came home all sugared up again. I swear we are allowing her way too much sweets!!! And this is coming from a mom who said " I am not letting my kid eat any candy!" UMM yeah that seems to be her main staple lately. This kid doesn't need any sugar to fuel her energy either. At least she doesn't get any more candy for going potty since she is completely trained now. It has been a few weeks with no accidents she even stays dry all night and gets up and pees in the morning by herself. All I have to do is wipe her butt after pooping. She will come out of the bathroom and say "presley pooped" and bends over with her butt in the air for me to wipe. It is funny though she will not use a porta-potty. Greg had to bring her to a store yesterday at the parade cuz she wouldn't use the nasty porta-potty....I don't blame her I hold it for as long as I can before I finally break down and have to use those stinky things. She sees the nasty poop sitting in them and refuses to use it. Man they are nasty!!! So I just realized I turn 37 in 6 weeks and I HAVE to try to get back on the weight loss/exercise kick. I need to be down 10 pounds by sept. 15th!! I don't want to be my weight on my birthday, I need to crack down and get serious!!!! Why can't I find self control lately?? I never had a problem with losing weight I would get on a diet and a few weeks later lose 10 pounds without that much effort. Since being preggo I just can't seem to get it together. So frustrating!!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
more of the same

Another monday that I spent cleaning and doing laundry. Tomorrow we are most likely going to the zoo as long as there is no rain. The only thing that is on my list to do this week is to weed which is totally out of control!!! In a way I am looking forward to snow just so everyone can't see all my weeds. There is just not enough presley-free hours in the day for me to spend 3-4 hours straight on weeding. I guess I could spend 2 hours in the beds while she is sleeping but I hate getting into a project to be interrupted when I'm in the groove. Presley still is having fun on the tramp but she doesn't like to bounce by herself so one of us bounces with her. Oh well I didn't plan on it being a babysitter but it would have been her in there and come back out in a few hours......yeah that would be great!!!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
too fast
Monday, July 6, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
hot hot hot
Man the last 2 days have really been nasty sticky hot. The air has been running non stop and it still feels warm in the house. My poor bunnies are just panting. I brought Opie in the house a few times and let him cool off in the bathtub. The nice cool tub must have felt good on his belly. Lionel the Lionhead I dipped him in the kiddie pool a couple times and I think he enjoyed the cool down too. I think it is going to be better for the next few days. I guess it is summer now. Not much else has been going on quite boring around new critters
Friday, June 19, 2009

I just can't handle the humidity as I have gotten older and carrying a little more body fat than I am used to. I caved and put the air on today. It isn't that it is going to be too hot but that humidity makes me crazy. When you are just sitting in the house and you are all clammy and sweaty your know it is time for the air. Presley also is like a little furnace so I think she will have a better nap today. The last couple days it is been hot in the house and her naps last about 1.5 hours compared to her 2.5 hours like usual. She is also cutting all 4 2 year molars so I am sure those are causing a little bit of a problem. We have a busy weekend. Tomorrow is our 12 year wedding anniversary and then father's day on sunday. Also our nephew's open house is tomorrow. I can't believe he is graduated from high school. I remember when I first started dating Greg he was just about 3-4 years old....not much older than Presley and now he is off to college. That just makes my head spin knowing it is just going to go so fast and I'll be sending Presley off to college someday...if she wants to go. For now I am going to cherish every moment even the bad ones cuz it really is going so fast already.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Kickin' my butt

I don't know what my problem is this week but I am soooo tired. The first thing I do is run to my coffee pot and brew the thickest black tar you ever drank and that doesn't even seem to help. I could have taken a nap today but I have to get up at 2:30am to leave for the rabbit show in the morning!!! I am going to be one tired lil' girl by tomorrow night. I am riding up with a lady I have never met, I just found her this week, she breeds french lops and is going to the show to show some of her rabbits. I was going to buy one from her but then I found out about the show and I want to check out some rabbits there first. She only has solids and I really love the brokens so I didn't want to settle until I check out all my options. I told Greg last night that I want to start showing and maybe breeding french lops....he didn't say much other than as long as it doesn't take up too much of my time. I think he just doesn't want to be stuck home with Presley on the weekends all the time. I said when she is old enough her and I'll be out of your hair and you can have some weekends to yourself. I guess I will see what happens this weekend and if it looks like something that would be fun I'll just play it by ear. So back to going up there with a complete stranger.....if you don't hear from me again you know what happened!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
where's booboo?
Friday, June 5, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
and then there was 12

today a lady came and bought priscilla. priscilla crowed last week so she was a he. i have the motto here "if you crow you gotta go" someday we will live where we can have roosters but for now i have to make nice with the neighbors. presley spent the whole weekend at my moms and she was a perfect angel.... i see many more sleepovers in her future. it was pure heaven to have tome to do what we wanted to do!!! thanks grandma jo you are the best!!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
so busy
Thursday, May 21, 2009
back to normal
after 2 nasty hot days we are back to seasonal temps in the low 70's. I almost put my air on yesterday but glad I held off. I have pretty much done nothing today. I don't even care. I laid P down for a nap and I went and hung with my "peeps" in the coop. That is the best entertainment ever for me. Chickens are so fun to watch. I am really having my doubts about Pearl the white silkie, I think she is a he. I think I might be on the search for a new white silkie next year. Not much for plans this weekend. I might call a neighbor girl to come watch my "farm" so we can go to a friend's cabin for one night. I hope the weather is nice I want to plant my veggie garden this weekend!!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Ok we went from cold to hot no in between. Yesterday it got to 97 degrees and it was way to hot!! My chickens and bunny were panting. We have stayed up late the last couple nights working on the coop. It is done enough for them with just a few tweaks left to do but they can be done with them living in it. Presley has been a nightmare the last few days. She is cutting her first 2 year old molar ans she is a bear. She is fighting sleep, won't eat and is whiny and poopy butt galore!!! Last night I had to stand by her bedroom door and hold it shut as she sat on the other side screaming and trying to pry the door open. It didn't help with Greg yelling in my other ear "just let her out" "she can stay up a little later" "she isn't going to stop crying" I am not going to listen to her cry just open the door" !!!! I was about ready to go postal on someone!! I stuck to my guns and she only put up a fight for about 5-8 minutes ( felt like an hour). Greg did say "wow i can't believe that worked" Ummm yeah momma knows best sometimes. I think the almost 100 degree temps wasn't helping the situation. We went to como zoo yesterday with sam and her boyz and I couldn't believe how many people were there. I was like doesn't anyone work anymore around here?? Presley was horrible with her lack of sleep and whiny self. I finally bought some happiness in a form of sugar. She got her big rainbow sucker and some ice cream. I ate most of the ice cream ....thanks Presley. My diet is doing pretty good. I lost 4 pounds last week but this week isn't going as great so far. I am trying to behave but not as anal as I was last week but still ok. If I lose a pound or two by monday I'll be happy. The heat makes me less hungry but when I want to eat is is sugar stuff. I think the lack of sleep for me causes me to crave sweets too. I am going to be in bed by 9pm tonight!!!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
can I do it??
well anyone who knows me knows I start a new diet every week and within a day I am off again. So monday I started yet another attempt to drop a few pounds ....20 to be exact!!! I just haven't been able to get this extra "presley" weight off me and she is now 2.5 years old. I have all these clothes sitting in my closet and can't get them over my hips and I refuse to go out and buy a new wardrobe cuz I keep thinking I will lose this weight. Therefore I wear the same 3 pair of pants all the time. I also have no shirts so when I do things and people take pics I notice I have the same damn shirts on every time!!! So today is wednesday and so far so good I think I am going to be able to do it this time. Spring is much more motivating and I can get out and be more active than being locked up inside all winter. I was going to go to the club this week but have been dealing with a bad chest cold and been coughing up a lung for the last 4 days. Maybe I'll be over it by friday?? The cold has been to my favor cuz I am not as hungry with it. Last night at about 9pm I so wanted to drive to Mcdonalds and get a filet-o-fish but I drank a big glass of water and stayed strong. So everyone wish me luck this time around!!! 20 pounds is a lot but I need my old sheila body back!! I can't be going into my 40's being all frumpy mom looking!! I am on a mission.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Louie's new girlfriend
I forgot to mention that louie brought home a new girlfriend. Yes my cat isn't fixed and the other day I found this cat lurking around and batting her lashes at Louie. She also sat outside of our window at 2am the other night making deep moaning sounds wanting Louie to come out and "service" her!!! Well the last 2 nights I haven't heard her so we will see if there is a "free kittens" sign in the neighborhood in a couple months. Louie already says he isn't paying child support.
a good mother's day
Even though Greg "pooped" the bed on even getting me a card I still had a good day. I guess he just set the tone for father's day....
Friday, May 8, 2009
waving the white flag
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
break time yet?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
huge relief

My dad's surgery went well and they were able to do it the easy way instead of slicing him up completely. He had his gallbladder removed and there was a stone lodged in his bile duct. They weren't able to get all the stones out so they will probably have to go back in and try again but not sure if it can be done at a later time or sooner??? He is horrible about asking questions and when they do tell him something he can't remember what they said!!! I need to talk to the dr to get the lowdown. Not sure when he is getting out....I'll have to call in a little while to see how he is doing. If he doesn't get out we might make a trip down there. Presley does ok down there but it is always short and sweet with candy involved to keep her happy. My dad is like a cat he has 9 lives! I hope I get his luck when it comes to dodging the big health bullets. Yesterday greg worked on the last wall for my coop. He framed in the door and ran electrical for the lights and an outlet in there for a heated waterer for the winter. Can't have frozen water for them. I am not looking forward to chicken maintenance come january here in MN!!!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
It has been a stressful last few days around here. My dad is back in the hospital he has been having some severe stomach pain and became very jaundice. When Greg and I picked him up to bring him into the hospital he looked like an uumpa lumpa!!! They think it might be his gallbladder so they were going to do surgery to remove it but then his heart rate was at 145 and they put him on the cardiac floor to get his heart back to normal. Yesterday they were able to get his heart rate to normal and are doing surgery on monday. Surgery is so risky for him so I hope everything goes well on monday!!! Presley and I are going to go visit him today. Wish me luck....hyper 2 yo in a boring hospital room = disaster. I should stop and get her a toy of some sort and when she starts getting squirrelly I can bring it out and get a few more minutes. Snacks always work too.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Flat iron
I wanted to see Presley's hair straight so I had her sit and I went thru her hair with a flat iron. She sat really well and enjoyed it. She loves all things girly. She is always getting into my makeup and wanted to sit in my salon chair and says hair hair. She sits well for getting her toes painted too. She is such a lil' princess. I wonder if greg will notice her hair???
Monday, April 20, 2009
cool and rainy

so we are stuck inside watching movies and doing laundry. Speaking of laundry we went looking at new front loader machines yesterday and I am so smitten with them!!! Our machines are 10 years old and are starting to make lots of weird new noises. I think we will hold off a little bit longer but are researching all the different brands to figure out what we will end up choosing so anyone who has some front loaders tell me what they are and what you like/dislike about them. I would love to cut my loads down with the higher capacity machines and save in water and gas!! I am hoping mine go "out" real soon so I don't feel so guilty buying new machines when mine work so everyone put a curse on my machines!! The ones we were looking at were by samsumg and the guy said they had a great rep....
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I totally called it!!

2 posts back I said she was going to try to steal a swipe of the birthday cake and I was right!!!! Mer caught her sticking her finger it in while she was trying to put the candles on it. Presley is such a cake freak she loves the frosting. This was an ice cream cake and that is one of her faves!!! I worked at DQ so many years that I just don't like it as much as most people I think I got burnt out......I still ate it though. The party was great and she came home and slept for over 3 hours so Greg and I got a ton of work in the yard done. I cleaned up all the flower beds and cut back all the perennials and loaded 9 huge yard waste bags. I was sore this morning but the yard looks so much better. Now after a few more days of rain we will get a little more green around here. I am so excited to see how much everything has grown again this year.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
love the weekends
Friday, April 17, 2009
made it the first night

Well the 6 new fuzz butts made it their first night home. They seem to hold their own pretty good with the bigger ones but do get stepped on quite a bit. I told Greg to come home with a new big cardboard box from work today. They are in a 55 gallon tub but it does seem more cramped in there now with the 6 extra ones and the older bunch is just growing so fast. I think they will like a little more room. I also want to put in some branches so they can roost on them. I have one in there but it keeps falling down and I don't want the new guys to get crushed under it so I will try to secure it better in the new brooder box. The older bunch is getting much more used to my hand. I have been feeding them oatmeal out of my hand and now when I stick my hand in there they all come running like oh yeah mommy has treats let's go see. There is nothing cuter than chicks peeking your hand and their lil feet crawling all over you!!! I am just in heaven over here with my chicks. Last night Greg worked on the coop till almost 11pm again. He got all the insulation in and the interior walls up and 2 roosts mounted. So today I need to pick up some paintable caulk and caulk all the seams and paint the interior walls. He is putting the can lights in tonight and finish the ceiling....I guess I should wait till he gets that done and paint after. Then the only thing left is the back wall where the door is going to be then the coop is done and we can work on the run. He is such a great guy working on this for me. He did score with a new power tool that he "had" to have to work on this coop so he came out ahead as well. Tomorrow we have Jaxon's 2nd bday party so presley is so excited for the birthday cake. Hopefully the cake is hidden for the first half of the party or else she will be standing right at it trying to steal swipes of frosting!!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I have been informed
ok no more chickens!!!
I went to Tractor supply and came home with 6 more baby chicks!!!! I have a sickness. Ok that is it I'm done. I can only have 4 chickens where I live and now I have 18 chicks!!! Granted at least half if not more will be roos so they have to go bye-bye right away when we figure them out. I will craigslist the roos. Then say that leaves about 7 that might be hens and of those I will pick the sweetest and prettiest of the bunch and craigslist the rest. We still might have one or 2 that might not live cuz chick mortality rate is fairly high sometimes. I am not positive what I picked out but I think 3 are d'uccle and 2 of those might be a porcelain color which would be very pretty and the other 3 I think might be easter eggers?? if so they lay blue/green eggs and I really wanted one of those so we will see. All six are lighter in color and that's why I picked them because the ones I have now many are darker in color so I wanted a nice variety. In about 5 weeks i should know who is who and what i will be keeping and then figure out names. Greg I think is so done with me!!! He refers to me as the CCL meaning the crazy chicken Lady. I mean really what are a few more chicks??? When everything is said and done I will end up with 4 beautiful hens and sell the rest and break even and I got to enjoy watching them grow up. Everyone seems to be getting along well so that is good. There is just about 7 -8days between the new and old ones but they are so tiny. It really is crazy how fast they grow and change. Every morning I look at them they are getting new feathers and grew like weeds over night!!! I have found a new love I think I might have to move onto a chicken farm!!!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
1 week old
wow that week flew right by!!!! My chicks are now a week old and they have grown so much. They are getting their wing feathers and a few tail feathers. All of them are going really well. I keep hoping that they will all make it which I think they should they didn't have much stress coming here like some that are shipped do. I found a lady about 1 and 1/2 hours away that raises call ducks and I think I am going to get 3-4 ducklings next week from her. They will keep our pond clean from all the string algae that grows on it. Greg doesn't know about my ducklings yet so I better say something verses just come home with them. I have mentioned getting some ducks and he wasn't too keen on it but I think if I use the keep the pond cleaner aspect he will be on board.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter
It was a beautiful day for a Easter egg hunt. We had family at our house to celebrate the day. I had the typical ham dinner with all the fixin's....nothing special but it turned out good. I just wanted it to be mellow and not get too worked up over the preparations. Presley spent the whole day all jacked up on sugar and chocolate. She was just crawling out of her skin cuz she was so wired. She was stuffing so much candy in her mouth she couldn't chew it and spit it all out in grandma's hand! I figure it is one holiday that is all about the candy so let her at it. That is what I remember about being a child was stuffing myself all day on Easter with candy. Grandma Dorothy loved getting us baskets full of all kinds of candy. My favorite was the big huge chocolate bunnies. They would take a few days to eat the whole thing but I never let any candy go to waste. We hid her basket behind the couch and got video of her finding it and she was so excited. I love these moments in time!!!! I did buy her a big chocolate bunny too
Saturday, April 11, 2009
looking good
we got a couple days to work on the coop and it is getting closer to being done. The exterior is just about done we need to work on the back wall. The interior still needs a lot of work but I wanted to get the wood painted and protected from rain that is due in a day or so. I got my barn red color!!! Greg wasn't too keen on the color he wanted a nice neutral tan but chickens love the color red so I want them to be the happiest chicks in town. I think just a few more full days and the coop should be done.