Saturday, April 25, 2009


It has been a stressful last few days around here. My dad is back in the hospital he has been having some severe stomach pain and became very jaundice. When Greg and I picked him up to bring him into the hospital he looked like an uumpa lumpa!!! They think it might be his gallbladder so they were going to do surgery to remove it but then his heart rate was at 145 and they put him on the cardiac floor to get his heart back to normal. Yesterday they were able to get his heart rate to normal and are doing surgery on monday. Surgery is so risky for him so I hope everything goes well on monday!!! Presley and I are going to go visit him today. Wish me luck....hyper 2 yo in a boring hospital room = disaster. I should stop and get her a toy of some sort and when she starts getting squirrelly I can bring it out and get a few more minutes. Snacks always work too. 

Yesterday we went to pick up my 2 call ducks. It was a 3 hour round trip but Presley did very well. We watched Bee movie 2.5 times so that was a life saver. I couldn't imagine taking long car rides without it!!! The ducks are settling in good. I had them in their own little brooder yesterday but the one lighter one sat and peeped all day so last night I put them both in with the chickens and they seemed so much happier. The chickens seem good with them just a little pecking on some of their butt fuzz. I am excited for them to get a little bigger and watch them in the pond and waddle around the yard. Hopefully they aren't too noisy or else my neighbors won't be happy. If it doesn't work out I can always find them a home. Call ducks are harder to find and people are always looking for them. They are a great duck because they are small in size so eat less and do less damage to the yard. I want to keep them in with the chickens in the coop but not sure if they will be too messy?? I will let them out during the day in the pond so they will do all the messy water stuff outside and not in the coop. Greg didn't say too much about my new additions. I had been preparing him that I was getting some so I think he was expecting them sooner or later. I think they will be a fun addition to the backyard flock. They are very entertaining to watch just usually not as cuddly as chickens. They don't like to be held much but I am still forcing mu love on them!! I am all done buying birds for the year......unless all my chickens turn out to be roosters!!! Wouldn't that just be horrible luck!!!


  1. Crazy bird lady! In all seriousness I hope everything is OK with your Dad.

  2. I was wondering how he was. Sorry to hear he has to be in the hospital. Poor guy. Wishing him a quick recovery.

    Woo... ducks too? I love ducks. Cool.
