Wednesday, June 10, 2009

where's booboo?


I took this pic out my bedroom window. Yes he is helping himself to my newly planted veggies. He won't touch the weeds that are growing he wants the good stuff. Last night one of my clients brought me a live trap they have and I set it out with his fave , timothy hay. He sat in sniffed around the cage but won't go into it. I'll leave it for awhile and maybe he'll get use to it and feel comfortable and we can catch him. He is ruining my plants so hopefully we can get a fence around it  and maybe can catch him in there and then he can't get out. I just hope we can get him before the fox in the neighborhood does.

Since we are on the bunny subject the hutch is almost done!! I am heading to a rabbit show in grand rapids on saturday and hopefully will be coming home with a new french lop!!! I met a breeder and we are driving up together and I am going to be her assistant for the day. I think I might get into showing french lops!! I know I know I am one crazy woman. Now I can't just be called the crazy chicken lady now it will be the bonkers bunny lady, the dorky duck lady and the list continues. Hey one can never say I don't like trying new things. I know when Presley is old enough I will be getting her into 4-H and she can show rabbits and/or chickens. It can be a mother/daughter team. I will have to get her a smaller breed of rabbit to show cuz I don't think a 4-5 year old will be able to lug a big 15 pound bunny around very easily. She could do the holland lops or maybe if the lionhead becomes a recognized breed she can do that. I would have loved that as a child. I am just living my childhood now the way I want to. I don't want to be old and have regrets about not doing the things I wanted to. It is going to be pure torture to only come home with one bunny this weekend......

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