Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Yet another attempt to lose this fat!! I have tried it once before (maybe twice) and it worked well when I was on it I just only did it for a couple 2...3 weeks and then went back to full on carbs. What I love about atkins is it is stuff I love to eat, meat and cheese and eggs. I have been doing the atkins bars and shakes too they are easy and quick when I need to put something in my belly. The choc coconut bars are sooo good just like a candy bar.  I started monday and yesterday I hit a nasty wall of something?? I think it was sugar detox!!! I got so sick I felt like puking and so tired I had to sleep most the day then last night I was all better and today I have so much energy and it is a nice constant energy. I have been cleaning non stop all day. I think my problem was I always was carb chasing and I get so shaky and crabby if I don't eat all the time. I think with more protein I don't have to ups and downs and I really do feel content most the day not like I need to eat my arm off with most diets. So I am committing to this for 6 weeks and then see what to do at that point. If you think about this it is a healthy way to lose weight. Lean meats like fish and chicken and green veggies and olive oils...also don't forget about the great cheese and beef that this girl loves!!! I think I can do this....wait I know I can do this for 6 weeks!!! 6 weeks goes so fast!!!


  1. I have always lost weight with it - sugar is my downfall!

  2. sugar is hard but i feel so good when i don't have sugar in my system but it taste so dang good!!!!
