Thursday, March 19, 2009

laundry whoa!

I have just spent the last 3 hours straight folding and putting away laundry!!! I tried to find all the socks and pair them together and wen thru her drawers and refolded and took out was doesn't fit anymore. I just have a couple more loads to finish and I am set for the weekend. I had about 2 weeks worth of clean laundry piled on the spare bed waiting to be folded and every time I looked at the pile it scared me but I felt brave today and tackled that chore. The spring cleaning bug has bit and I really want to get every square inch of this house organized and cleaned in the next couple weeks......just in time to turn around and start the whole process over again. Soon we will be having to do spring cleaning in the gardens and the house will be on the back burner. My mom is coming over tonight to visit with Presley while I work so Greg will have the night off and I am hoping he will start on my coop. We are so limited on time lately with me working more hours. He works 7-3:30pm gets home at 4pm I start right at 4 and work till about 8pm 4 nights a week. I also work 2 sat's a month and the sat's I don't work he will work so Sunday is the only day we have together. Oh yeah and monday nights I have class but just for another 6 weeks or so. I am so happy we both can work and not put Presley in daycare cuz I love being home with her. We just don't get much time for projects when she is right by our sides. It actually forces me to use my time better cuz I have turned into a huge procrastinator. I wonder how long the chicken coop will take?? I would like it to be done (enough) in about 6 weeks cuz by then the chicks will be plenty big and will be outgrowing their brooder. I guess if worse comes to worse they can hang out in our gazebo for a week or 2 extra?? It will be interesting???

1 comment:

  1. Next time you chat with Courtney on facebook ask her about her laundry - maybe I will take a picture its truly frightening!
