Wow the snow is just melting like crazy!! It got up to 65 degrees yesterday and was gorgeous too bad I still felt crappy and slept most my day away. We found some used windows on craigslist for the chicken coop so hopefully Greg can go take a look at them today and we can get a couple. They are 10 bucks a piece and should work well for the coop. We got one free window from his brother so far. I picked up a heat lamp, chick feed, and pine bedding yesterday so I am all ready for the chicks. They also threw one extra bag of pine bedding in my order cuz it was open and they couldn't sell it like that. I just need to empty out one of my many rubbermaid totes and add chicken wire to the top and that will be their home for a few weeks. I am hoping to be able to get this coop done for fairly cheap with recycled materials. I keep checking craigslist and trying to get greg to go dumpster diving. He is on a huge job site right now and there has to be some materials that are in the dumpsters. He is working on the new twins stadium for the next year in downtown mpls. Not sure if they allow dumpster diving there or not. He says it is such a restricted site and so many rules. I guess they have to be extra careful because of so many job related accidents. They already had a big crane or something fall and crash into stuff but no one was in the way so everyone was fine but it is crazy how dangerous those job sites are. I am suppose to have 2 people come over today to buy our infant car seat and our kelty carrier so we will see if they show. People on craigslist are so flighty. Ok I need to get crackin' on the laundry since my weekend was so unproductive!
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