They have been threatening us with snow but so far it is just rain. These dreary days just make me so tired and so not motivated to do much. Sam and her boys came over today to play with Presley and it was a good day. Her and I were able to chat without being interrupted too often. Her and I are both starting veggie gardens so we were talking about our plans and what to plant. Greg still thinks mine is going to turn into a big weedfest and nothing to harvest at the end of the season....I need to prove him wrong. I guess I have only done a couple of tomato plants and yeah they didn't do so hot but really I am motivated to spend more time in the yard this year. I think the chickens will keep me out there more and this long horrible winter has really made me appreciate warm weather more. Plus Presley is so much more mobile than last summer so she can maneuver much more with all the hills and rocks we have. It really is a dangerous yard for little ones. Also the pond is a big hazard so all eyes on presley. I did finally get a leash for her yesterday so now the next step is a dog run. I could stake a chain and tie her to the end of it so she can only go so far. How long do you think I could get away with that before child protective services hauled me in???;) Really is it any different than those pen gates for the yard they sell. I just won't use a choke collar!!! Oh great it is starting to hail it better not wake up sleeping beauty she hasn't been sleeping long enough. It is just little hail but sounds so loud on the roof. I am so tired today again. These 6:30am wake-up calls are just too early!!! What happened to my sleep till 9am lil' girl. I am wondering if we keep her up later if she'll sleep in? I doubt it we will just have a crabby early riser. I think that has been the hardest thing for me is not being able to sleep like I used to. 9-10am is perfect time to get up. I think it will be quite a few years before that will happen again. Oh crap she woke up....bye-bye "me" time and she is in there crying so hello crabby pants!!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
just rain so far
They have been threatening us with snow but so far it is just rain. These dreary days just make me so tired and so not motivated to do much. Sam and her boys came over today to play with Presley and it was a good day. Her and I were able to chat without being interrupted too often. Her and I are both starting veggie gardens so we were talking about our plans and what to plant. Greg still thinks mine is going to turn into a big weedfest and nothing to harvest at the end of the season....I need to prove him wrong. I guess I have only done a couple of tomato plants and yeah they didn't do so hot but really I am motivated to spend more time in the yard this year. I think the chickens will keep me out there more and this long horrible winter has really made me appreciate warm weather more. Plus Presley is so much more mobile than last summer so she can maneuver much more with all the hills and rocks we have. It really is a dangerous yard for little ones. Also the pond is a big hazard so all eyes on presley. I did finally get a leash for her yesterday so now the next step is a dog run. I could stake a chain and tie her to the end of it so she can only go so far. How long do you think I could get away with that before child protective services hauled me in???;) Really is it any different than those pen gates for the yard they sell. I just won't use a choke collar!!! Oh great it is starting to hail it better not wake up sleeping beauty she hasn't been sleeping long enough. It is just little hail but sounds so loud on the roof. I am so tired today again. These 6:30am wake-up calls are just too early!!! What happened to my sleep till 9am lil' girl. I am wondering if we keep her up later if she'll sleep in? I doubt it we will just have a crabby early riser. I think that has been the hardest thing for me is not being able to sleep like I used to. 9-10am is perfect time to get up. I think it will be quite a few years before that will happen again. Oh crap she woke up....bye-bye "me" time and she is in there crying so hello crabby pants!!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
one week left
Just one more week and the chicks will be here. I am starting to get nervous. I just moved the bunny from it's temporary cage to it's new home and the temp cage is where the chicks will be for a few weeks. They grow so fast so hopefully the coop will be done just in time for them before they outgrow the brooder. Booboo seems to like her new cage she can see out the sides now and I moved it to the 4 season porch...not sure what Greg will say about that??? She was in my salon but Presley kept wanting to go down there all the time so now the bunny will be up here front and center and can interact more. I bought a litter tray and litter and hopefully she catches on to the potty training thing. Greg is all grossed out by her lil' poop pellets. I am like honey you change a nasty stinky poopy butt from Presley a lil' hard turd from a bunny is no big deal. So Louie spent the whole night outside roaming the town. I called for him at 10pm last night and he didn't come running like usual. Still at 5am when Greg got up he wasn't around. I was starting to get nervous that something happened to him but at 8am there he was sittin' at the door waiting for me. What a huge relief. I just love him and would hate for something to happen to him. There is just no way to keep him inside. We found him as a stray and he loves being outside and every time we open the door to let the dogs out he runs out. I guess we just have to take our chances that he will be ok. He has his claws so he can run up trees and still protect himself. He is a smart cat so hopefully he will be fine. My neighbor has always had outdoor cats and they all lived at least 20 years. I know Louie is too big for an owl or hawk ( I think?? he has to weigh about 15 pounds??)and we don't get eagles this low over here it would just be cars, foxes or coyotes around here that would do him in and since he can do trees he should be safe, we just try to get him in every night.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
more progress on the coop
today was a great day to be outside and work on the coop. Well greg worked on the coop and I was on Presley patrol. We got a lot done and so far it is looking really great. I am so excited. The chicks are due to hatch a week from tomorrow. We have about 3-5 weeks to finish the coop before they get too big for their brooder. I hope to get a lot more done next weekend. We have to insulate, shingle, and work on the door. I also have to paint the interior walls and lay vinyl floor for easier clean-up. The back wall will be the last thing so we can work inside without being cramped. So the big news around here is Presley no longer has a nuk!!! Friday night we put her to bed without it and she hasn't had it since. We are done with this chapter in her life. It is a relief to not have to worry about always having one when we are out incase she has a meltdown. She asked for it quite a few times the first day but today I have only heard her ask once. We told her the mommies came and got them for their babies and she seems to buy it so that our story and we're sticking to it. Way to go Presley Jo!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Just aged 10 years!
So we went to the Mn zoo today, they opened the farm babies area so we braved the cold to get out and check them all out. I was a brisk 18 degrees as we headed to the zoo. Only a true MN would spend the day at the zoo in this weather or a true crazy woman. So we spent the first half of the morning at the inside exhibits and then would go outside to see the other animals when it warmed up a bit. So we were at the tropics exhibit and Presley and Jaxson were in this little cubby area where we could see the entrance and the exit and me and Mer were chatting and both watching the openings and soon Jaxson comes out but no Presley. So I panic and went on a run looking for her....well long story short I found her quite a ways away she had made it thru caves and doors and was out heading towards another trail!!! It had to have been a good 5-7 minutes she was gone but felt like an hour to me. When I found her she was at a drinking fountain trying to get a sip and when she saw me she acted like nothing was wrong and asked me to help her get a sip. She could have cared less where I was! I didn't know whether I wanted to beat her or hug her I was so scared. So that just confirmed for me to buy her a leash. I had talked about it last year and for sure we are getting one now. She is SOSO very fast and just doesn't understand that she can't run off. She spent most the time after that in the stroller and didn't like it. This girl just doesn't know how to walk it is running everywhere. Even in the house she runs and barely ever walks. She really is just so high energy and balls to the walls all the time. I know it just lost 10 years off my life after today. I did manage to not break down and start crying but I have never been so scared. All these thoughts start running thru your mind. To lose a child completely or get kidnapped has got to be the worst feeling ever I pray I never have to ever deal with that and I wish no one else would either in this world. So horrible just those few minutes for me were so miserable. So off to target to get a leash today!!!!!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Back to myself
Oh man yesterday was bad. I had way too much wine tuesday night at the candle party and was paying the price all day yesterday. I just rarely drink anymore and for some reason the wine was just going down too easy. Greg came to the candle party too so Presley could play with her cousins so I had a sober cab and knew I could let loose. I did buy an adorable rooster ( it is on the side of the page)tealight holder for my kitchen. I think every kitchen needs at least one chicken. So pretty much nothing got done around here so today I need to get my arse moving. Booboo is doing great she is so sweet and mellow but I still think she is just getting use to her surroundings. I need to go and get litter for her and try litter training her. She has only dropped one poop pellet while she has been out running around and no pee so I hope she will be easy to train. I want greg to make her a bunny run in the yard so she can spend the days outside getting exercise and enjoying the outdoors while being safe in a wire run from predators. She might be able to be with the chicks as long as they don't peck the crap out of her?? The list of predators includes my one dog and I think Louie too. I am nervous about the lil' chicks too I will have to keep a very close eye on them until they get bigger. Carly my minpin has always been a little killer. They were bred for ratting and she has the instincts that is for sure. Tori has no clue that she is a minpin. She has never went after anything and wouldn't even know what to do if a mouse sat right in front of her. Carly even took on a squirrel once. They were both latched on rolling in the grass it was quite a sight to see. The squirrel survived and carly felt defeated... They are both about the same size just Carly has longer legs. Lacey would just bark something to death before anything else. I do think Louie caught a mouse outside once but not sure if he found it dead or actually killed it. Carly has even caught a few chipmunks and those things are fast. She also can hear moles under the ground and has dug up a couple and killed those which is wonderful cuz those stupid things can wreak havoc on a lawn. I hope the chickens will find lots of grubs in our yard so the moles have no food supply and stay in the neighbors yards.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The last bit
So this is the very last of any snow left in our yard. I am sure we will be getting at least one more snow flurry but if it leaves more than 2 inches I am going to beat somebody!!! This is such a long week already and it is only tuesday! I have spent the day cleaning like a crazy woman again. I swear why does it have to be so hard. I mean really we spend all this time making everything just perfect and 3 seconds later it looks like I haven't cleaned my house in months. I am not even exaggerating either. The one room that I have been neglecting is my office/sewing room it is really out of hand and the walls feel like they are closing in on me. I don't even know where to start because most of it doesn't have a "place" to go and I need everything to have a "place" I pulled out a huge rubbermaid tote to put the bunny in and so now I have a huge pile of Presley's last year summer clothes and shoes sitting on the floor in there. Actually I am happy cuz I think some of her summer stuff from last year might still work this year. All the shorts and little skirts are perfect cuz she is skinny so the waist will be fine and it doesn't matter on the length. I love lil short shorts on kids they have the cutest legs. I wonder how many skinned knees we will have this year? I have a client tonight and then right after I have to go to a candle party so I will be on the go all night again. Last night class was good but now I have quite a few assignments due in the next 2 weeks and I swear I can't procrastinate on them cuz the chickens are coming and then Easter which I think we are having here. I am hoping the weather will be nice cuz I want to have a big easter egg hunt for all the lil' kids. There are 4 of them that are 3 and under and they will have a blast running thru the yard looking for candy filled eggs. Please let it be nice out!!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
I did it! Meet booboo bunny
I told greg that Presley really wanted a bunny for Easter and he said fine put it with the chickens. So Me and P went to the store and bought this sweet lil girl. Presley is so excited and is obsessed with her. She named her boo-boo bunny and doesn't want me to pet her when she is holding her. She keeps pushing my hand away and says Presley's bunny go momma..... I said you have have to share. My cat and one dog want the bunny for lunch so I have to be really careful right now until they realize this bunny is a member of the family not a chew toy. Booboo is super mellow right now and such a snuggler. I am not sure if she is scared out of her gourd or just this mellow. Tonight after class I had her snuggled in my neck for almost 2 hours and she didn't move an inch. It will be interesting to see how everything goes. I think Greg thinks I am one crazy woman with my animal escapades. I love that he lets me be me. I know my dad is shaking his head right now.....
stuck inside

This pic was from last fall I just love that look on her face!!!
It has been cold and rainy all day so we are stuck inside and I'm tired from the start of yet another new cold. I finished up some homework and now I am working on cleaning up my computer. I realized I have not burned any photo/videos since november and heaven forbid if something happened to my computer and lost it all!! So I am busy organizing folders and burning dvds. It is such a piece of mind to have copies of everything. My 500GB external hard drive is full so now I don't know what to do?? I think I might go thru it and delete files that aren't needed to clear up more room. I really don't want to start collecting hard drives and storing them too?? I need to figure out a place online to store stuff. So I keep stalking my local feed store to see if they have their shipment of chicks in yet. I am sure the guy is sick of me calling every other day. They might be here the end of this week. I asked if they will be getting ducks in too and he said they might get a small shipment. It have plans of ordering the chicks still from the breeder but just thought I could get a couple a few weeks impatient. He did say they had bunnies in right now!!! I am so tempted to get one! I think Greg would be drawing up the divorce papers if I came home with a bunny. I once bought a bunny when I was still living at home and tried sneaking it in my room so my mom didn't know but after a couple weeks she heard it!! I had to get rid of it. I kind of feel like I am living at home again and trying to figure out a way to get a bunny without Greg freaking out!! I'll just have to say but Presley wanted it for Easter!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
the coop is started

Well there is no turning back!! Greg got some posts and they are in the ground filled with concrete and the base is framed. Hopefully this week he can get the walls framed out?? The weather is suppose to be crappy for the next few days so I'm sure we will have to wait until the weekend to get anymore progress on my coop. Just 2 more weeks and the chicks should be here!! I am getting so excited for all this to come together. The coop is going to look so cute. We found a bigger window at menard's that was fairly cheap so Greg picked it up. It is a 24x36 window and I think the hens are going to love sitting in front of it and soak up the sun. The window will face our big living room window so I'll be able to see them from our couch. It was gorgeous this weekend and we got some good quality time playing outside. I have a feeling Presley is going to have a ton of fun this summer. She is going to be so skinny by the end of summer running around like a crazy lady with all her energy!!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
laundry whoa!
I have just spent the last 3 hours straight folding and putting away laundry!!! I tried to find all the socks and pair them together and wen thru her drawers and refolded and took out was doesn't fit anymore. I just have a couple more loads to finish and I am set for the weekend. I had about 2 weeks worth of clean laundry piled on the spare bed waiting to be folded and every time I looked at the pile it scared me but I felt brave today and tackled that chore. The spring cleaning bug has bit and I really want to get every square inch of this house organized and cleaned in the next couple weeks......just in time to turn around and start the whole process over again. Soon we will be having to do spring cleaning in the gardens and the house will be on the back burner. My mom is coming over tonight to visit with Presley while I work so Greg will have the night off and I am hoping he will start on my coop. We are so limited on time lately with me working more hours. He works 7-3:30pm gets home at 4pm I start right at 4 and work till about 8pm 4 nights a week. I also work 2 sat's a month and the sat's I don't work he will work so Sunday is the only day we have together. Oh yeah and monday nights I have class but just for another 6 weeks or so. I am so happy we both can work and not put Presley in daycare cuz I love being home with her. We just don't get much time for projects when she is right by our sides. It actually forces me to use my time better cuz I have turned into a huge procrastinator. I wonder how long the chicken coop will take?? I would like it to be done (enough) in about 6 weeks cuz by then the chicks will be plenty big and will be outgrowing their brooder. I guess if worse comes to worse they can hang out in our gazebo for a week or 2 extra?? It will be interesting???
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
another round
I went to the dr last night cuz my ears just never have felt back to normal after my last infection and they are still red so she gave me another round of antibiotics to hopefully get rid of my pain. This time I only need to take 5 days worth at one a day other than the first dose was 2 pills....much better than the 4 a day for 10 days!!! Those were some horse pills too and trying to remember 4 times a day was a pain. I needed a pill box to remember what I took. I am well on my way...I own a pill box so I am ready for old age! Presley turned the corner last night she was much more chipper and happy. This morning is smooth sailing so far too no whining and we have been up for an hour already!!! Let's hope it stays this way cuz it was getting real old. I'm trying to figure out what to do today other than laundry still. Maybe we'll take a drive to the minnehaha falls and walk around there?? It is only going to be in the 50's today so still a wee bit chilly but I just want to get out of the house. If we head into town I'll have to make a pit stop by grandpa's or I'll never here the end of that...."you were right by me and couldn't even stop in to say hi?" So dad if we get our lazy butts moving we will grace you with our presence!!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
happy st. patty's day

Monday, March 16, 2009
whiny butt
I think I am going to legally change Presley's name to whiny butt!!! She has been a real treat the last few days. From morning to night it just whiny meltdowns. I know she is still not 100% better from being sick and she hasn't been sleeping good so I know that has a ton to do with it but man she is really testing my patience. On top of that I just haven't felt very good. I am just dizzy and feel like puking. I was able to run some errands this morning but now I'm back in bed feeling like crap! It is such a beautiful day I feel like I am wasting it right now. Maybe if I take a little nap I will be better???
Sunday, March 15, 2009
the phone has been found
So Greg lost his 4th cell phone about 5 weeks ago and today he was up in the attic in the garage putting things in storage and saw something laying on the floor. It was his missing phone!!! He must have put something up there and it fell out of his pocket. He doesn't remember going up there when he lost the phone so he never thought to look in there. We are so happy to find it and glad we were waiting on getting a new one just incase it turned up. He had his work phone he was using so now he is back in business with texting on this one. I have felt a little sick for the last few days just headaches and feel like puking every so often it really sucks cuz I want to get some projects done but I start moving around and I feel worse. I did get some more pics taken of baby stuff and posted it on craigslist. Next to go is the high chair, infant car seat and stroller combo, and a kelty kid backpack. We'll see if we get and takers. The garage is bustin' at the seams so we are trying to do some spring cleaning. The weather has warmed up and hoping most the snow is gone by the end of the week. It is so muddy and slushy out there. We tried to go to a park yesterday but there were just too many puddles and they all seem to be right at the end of slides and under swings so it is still too early to try to play there yet. Today is suppose to be in the 50's and tomorrow it will be 60 so the snow will be melting like crazy. Our backyard faces north so it is the last area for the snow to melt! It is also loaded with poop from the winter so it is gross right now. We are just itchin' to get outside and play!!!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
placed an order
I did it!!! I finally decided on what breeds of chickens I wanted and placed an order with a guy an hour 1/2 from me. The hatch day is april 6th so I am not sure if I pick them up that day or the next. The only problem is he doesn't sex so I am buying a few of each breed to hopefully get at least one hen from each breed. Also depending on what hatches will play a role in the birds I end up with. The 4 different ones I want are 3 bantam polish called buff laced , golden laced, white crested and the other one is a white silkie. The back up breeds would be polish silver laced (not bantam) and an easter egger they lay the blue/green eggs. If he ends up with any extra polish breeds like a blue I will take that too I am so excited and pray out of 12 chickens I get at least 4 hens in a good variety!!! He charges $6 per bird. I just love the look of the polish with their hair-dos!!! I am also torn about placing an order from an online hatchery but the min. is 25 birds they ship but I could get 25 birds for the same price as the 12 from him but they might not be the breed I really want. why does it have to be so hard to find a chicken around here!!! I can't wait for the state fair this fall and see all the cool chickens. well either way in a few weeks we will be run over with chicken poop and feathers!!!
Friday, March 13, 2009
too many headaches
I don't know what is going on but I am so sick of headaches. I swear at least 3 times a week I have them. I think it is still my stupid ears. They seemed better for a couple days and now they are really bothering me again. I guess I just need to go in and have them check. My GF's husband looked at them last week...poor guy I put him to work on his night off...i bet that happens to dr's all the time!!! So he had the little tool to look in my ear and said it was real red still but no puss so that is good but it has been quite awhile since my infection so I wonder why it is still red and irritated. If sunday they are still bothersome I'll go and have them checked. So the weather is suppose to be in the mid 40's this weekend and I am excited to get out and start planning some things for our summer projects. I am putting in a veggie garden for the first time. I have had a few tomato plants here and there put never have done a big veggie garden. I am so excited to plan it out and figure out where to plant what and when. My neighbor is a master gardener and she is so very helpful. I am really motivated to spend more time in the gardens this year. The last 2 summers poor greg has had to do the majority of the work. The one summer I was big and preggo and last summer Presley was still so young to be able to be out without complete supervision. This year she understands so much more and can walk much better than last summer. She was a good walker last year but still very clumsy when trying to maneuver around our landscaping. We also have to be so careful with her and our koi pond because the deep end is over 4 feet deep and you know how kids and water are like magnets. We will never be able to let her play in the backyard without us right out there even in a couple years there are just too many horrible drowning stories that scare the crap out of me. I love our waterfall and pond and don't want to get rid of it we just have to be extra cautious. So now with my new chicken obsession I am thinking about getting an incubator and hatching the eggs. I think Presley would love watching the whole process. I found a guy that will take any males I end up with so I know they will have a home. Now on top of chickens I am thinking about getting 2 geese!! They are this breed which look so cool and they could use our pond. I just need to figure out if they are really noisy like a typical canadian goose. The other thing is goose poop can be a little crazy but I think my dogs would help clean it up which is gross but a fact of my dogs. They don't fly so they would be a pet too. If they are too much work or too loud I could just sell them. They fetch about $50 bucks a goose because they are more rare. I would try to hatch those too. Poor greg married the crazy bird lady!!! I love birds they are my favorite and over the years I have tried many different breeds but none have been a good fit for me so I think this my last chance at trying to own birds and being able to enjoy them. I have had 10 pairs of different finches, 2 parakeets, 2 cockatiels, a blue crown conure, and a red capped conure. The 2 parrots turned out to be very aggressive and biters. One liked greg and hated me and one loved me and hated greg. That is typical of parrots but then the one that like me turned and became aggressive towards everyone. Once Greg was talking to malcolm and he reached over and bit him in the lip. If anyone has been bit by a bigger parrot they know how bad that hurts and the lip!!! wow I thought Greg was going to body slam him. So this is my last hurrah with birds!!! I think I will throw in the towel and just appreciate them from a far if the chickens turn into a huge debacle . So tuesday is when or city is announcing if they are allowing chickens. I am pretty sure they are but will talk about the rules?? I hope they allow them!!! well I just made a few phone calls and it looks like the council is all in agreement about changing the ordinance and allows chickens!!!! I am one happy little girl right now!! I just called the police dept and left a message for the rules. I am probably going to play buy the book this time and get all the permits so no one can say boo later down the line. I'm sure it is just a fee every year which is a rip off but I guess it goes into our city's funds. Our city has only allowed 2 dogs per household and we have had 3 for the last 10 years and never have been turned in. We would have just had to buy a kennel license to have the 3 which was 50 bucks a year. But now they are changing that ordinance also and allowing 3 dogs. I am so lucky greg puts up with all my hairbrained ideas!!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
so dreary
Man for the last 3 days we have not see even a glimpse of the sun. Soon this madness has to end. So yesterday afternoon my GF stopped over and we got to catch up. We haven't seen each other for about a year I think?? Well Presley woke up from her nap and was in our bedroom while we were out in the living room and we heard her start crying so we go running and walk projectile vomit all over the place!! So I throw P in the tub and have Tonya sit in there to keep an eye on her while I strip all my bedding and clean up vomit all over. It even got on the curtains so pull them down and will try to wash them but they say dry clean only but I'll take my chances. She seems ok but not up to full speed today but no more puking or poopy butt. I felt so bad for Tonya having to deal with the yuck. I do love that fact that she is so mellow today she has been on the couch non stop watching nemo and hasn't moved an inch. So I had class last night and I got a 100% on my test last week!!! It was so easy that I thought I did it wrong but what a relief. No class next week cuz of spring break so that is nice. Well I have chili in the crockpot and the laundry is almost done so a good feeling! I work tonight so they'll have dinner all that crockpot!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Ok so if we decide to stay here I said I want chickens. I just found out our city allows up to 4 chickens but I need to find out all the rules to be able to get them. I think I have to pay $50 a year and get the ok from neighbors so hopefully all my neighbors will be ok with it. Greg said he would build a coop for me!!! I am so excited!!!! I have been researching chickens all day. The real cool fancy ones usually aren't the best egg layers. I really want to have fresh eggs so I think I might have to get the more typical chickens but they still are cool looking depending on the breed I pick. I found a place that ships as little as 3 chicks so that works out good. The one breed I really am drawn to isn't known for egg laying but I really love the look of them. They are suppose to be sweet though. This breed sounds really cool too.... Blue/green eggs sound way cool for Presley!!!!! They aren't ready till june though. I need something cold hardy even though we will keep them warn enough in the winter. So anyone who has any chicken tips let me know!!! Big decisions.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
man my days have been busy the last couple weeks. I just feel like i can't get caught up and I hate that feeling. I have been coming up with a letter to send out my to my old clients that had a real hard time getting in with me after my schedule was cut since P has been here. I have increased my hours and want to let them know so I finally put together a letter and then I ran out of yellow ink while I was printing so I went to the store to pic some up to finish them and I printed a few more and then the cyan was out!!! So finally went back to the store and now they are all done and addressed now they just need a stamp and in the mail they go. I am hoping to hear from a few at least. I would really like to be busy and get more money in the bank. I don't even watch the news anymore it is just so depressing what our economy is looking like. So many are talking about another great depression and it just blows my mind at how we all got in this position!! I mean look at all the technology and smart people out there and we are driving this country into the hole, very sad. You know as long as I have my health and my family I really don't care what happens that is all that really matters. I saw that housing here just took another 7.7% drop!!! I am thinking we will probably stay put here but still look around I just can't see our house selling for what we would like to get and I would rather stay put than loose all the equity we have built. I will still work at getting the house up to snuff and market ready but we will see what it looks like in the next couple months.
Monday, March 2, 2009
not another monday!
I am so not in the mood for anything today!!! I have a test at school tonight and I haven't even started studying for it. I think we will have to go to the club and I can drop her off at the daycare so I can study in the cafe. Yesterday we went to look at houses and oh my what a bunch of shit holes. When people foreclose on their homes they just really trash the place it is so sad. There was nothing out there right now so we will just wait and see what else comes on the market. We for sure want a minimum of 2 acres, 5 being the best and want a minimum of 2500 sq. feet 3500 being the best all with a nice pricetag!!! We are asking a lot but I know it will pop up. The home just will need work but we can handle that....just not the kind of work like demolishing and rebuilding like a few we saw yesterday. There was one that was ok but needed a lot of cosmetic work which was fine but didn't really have a good place in the home for my salon. It also backed up to a cemetery which I don't mind cuz hey they will be quiet neighbors but our realtor said it is harder to resell cuz many people get weird about living that close to a cemetery. I actually love cemeteries and love photographing them and just strolling thru reading all the headstones I find it so calming and peaceful. So many old cemeteries have such beautiful headstones I love looking at them all. The only ones that make me sad are little babies and kids. But the majority are people who live long lives. I am sure I am weird that I enjoy cemeteries.... There was another house that was ok. The house was smaller but it was very quaint will lots of charm. It had some great outbuildings and one could be a salon with some work. That would be the best case that way my clients don't have to walk in my home and greg would have more privacy. It also had a cute chicken coop already. I just don't know if we could go from a 2500 sq foot home to a 1600sq ft. right now. Having the extra outbuildings for storage and possible rooms to make like a big theater/man room for greg would be fun. But for now we will continue to get ours ready to put on the market and keep looking. Our realtor said in the next couple months it will get busy she said people are waiting right now to see what the stimulus package is going to do for homes sales. One place we looked at I was just shocked it was still occupied and not foreclosed but it was a mess. I mean when you are selling you home you need it in tip top shape and clean. This was a mess with cobwebs and the people left nasty dark yellow pee in the toilet. I mean how hard is it to flush when you have a showing!!! Poor greg is sick with a fever so he wasn't having fun looking at the homes. He just called now and is on his way home from work he feels like crap. Now I am waiting for either P or me to get sick!!! I hope it is just him this time.
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