Sunday, August 23, 2009
just a hen house
Well it is officially just a hen house now. I found pearl a home today since he started crowing a couple days ago. So no more roosters just hens living in the coop. Greg was bummed out Pearl turned out to be a boy he liked that white fuzzy guy. Petunia is now laying eggs too. So just 4 more girls are free loaders still and should be laying soon. It was a wonderful weekend and the weather couldn't be any more perfect. I am so excited the state fair is starting this week and we are going on friday. The rabbit show is friday morning so I will be there early and probably spend most the day there. I can't wait to check out the poultry too. I could spend the whole day at all the barns. The MN fair is the best!!! Presley was sick all weekend. She had a fever and was lethargic but that was all. I kept waiting for the puke/poop but nothing. It was actually kinda nice cuz she just laid around so we were able to do things around the house without her needing to be entertained. I still felt bad but enjoyed a calm Presley too.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
lazy saturday

Today was a great lazy day Greg had to run to do some work in the morning and was home around noon and we did a little yard work and played in the yard with Presley. Mark & Georgia came over with the twins and they all bounced on the tramp and ran around the yard naked!! They were running thru the sprinkler so 3 naked toddlers streaking the backyard was too funny. That is Presley favorite thing to be is naked. That girl is always pulling off her clothes and running around in the buff. I think when the temps turn -20 degrees around here she'll be singing another tune. I caught Porckchops my d'uccle chicken laying another egg today so that has been her! I made sure she got her props today and Greg thinks I'm a totally loony bird as I was praising her for being such a good chicken!!! Oh well I get a kick out of it.....
Friday, August 14, 2009
eggs for breakfast
Last night I was giving the chickens fresh water and noticed 2 little eggs in the corner!!! So exciting to have fresh eggs already. So this morning I couldn't wait to crack them open and see what they looked like and tasted like. They are very tiny still but as the chickens get older they will be a little bit bigger. So they were so tasty and the yolks were such a pretty orange color. Presley liked them too. I am so proud of my girls and so excited for fresh eggs from here on out!! No more buying grocery store eggs......
she also ate a fresh green apple from the neighbor's off the land;)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
5 pounds
I stepped on the scale monday and am down 5 pounds for the first week......I was hoping to be down 20!!! lol
Last night was bad cuz we went to the dakota county fair and I ate some no-no's wasn't that bad but still not great but hey the fair is so hard to not eat at when everyone is stuffin' their faces on greasy and chocolate. I am back at it today and will continue the strict low carb until monday and access the progress. I haven't been doing any cardio which is slowing the process but it is HOT and I hate sweating and our air went out and it is close to 90 degrees!!! I am NOT a fan of the heat. I feel really bad for my bunnies they look miserable. I have been misting them down and put some frozen water bags in their cages. It looks like just 3 more days of this heat and then back down to high 70's The only good about our air being out is our electric bill isn't going to be so high. Ewww I just took a sip of lemonade after brushing my teeth....yuck!!!! I have to work tonight and I hope my clients don't melt in my chair without our air working. It is a split level home so the basement feels about 10 degrees cooler so that is good. Greg is working on the unit so hopefully he can get it going before calling a "pro". Oh the neighbor just came over and got it running!!! Yeah!!!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Yet another attempt to lose this fat!! I have tried it once before (maybe twice) and it worked well when I was on it I just only did it for a couple 2...3 weeks and then went back to full on carbs. What I love about atkins is it is stuff I love to eat, meat and cheese and eggs. I have been doing the atkins bars and shakes too they are easy and quick when I need to put something in my belly. The choc coconut bars are sooo good just like a candy bar. I started monday and yesterday I hit a nasty wall of something?? I think it was sugar detox!!! I got so sick I felt like puking and so tired I had to sleep most the day then last night I was all better and today I have so much energy and it is a nice constant energy. I have been cleaning non stop all day. I think my problem was I always was carb chasing and I get so shaky and crabby if I don't eat all the time. I think with more protein I don't have to ups and downs and I really do feel content most the day not like I need to eat my arm off with most diets. So I am committing to this for 6 weeks and then see what to do at that point. If you think about this it is a healthy way to lose weight. Lean meats like fish and chicken and green veggies and olive oils...also don't forget about the great cheese and beef that this girl loves!!! I think I can do this....wait I know I can do this for 6 weeks!!! 6 weeks goes so fast!!!
Monday, August 3, 2009
attack of the ants

Saturday I spent weeding some more and I guess I was sitting on an ant hill and all of a sudden I felt bites all over me and realized I was being attacked by tiny ants. Man they hurt and now I have welts and they itch SO badly!!! I want to scrape my skin off. It even woke me up in the middle of the night and the more I scratch the more it itches. I had to get up and try putting different things on to make it stop so I could fall back to sleep. I put a good dent in the weed situation but I don't think I will get it under control this summer...maybe next year Greg will help, he is boycotting the yard this year. I had the house to myself yesterday and I laid in bed and watched old movies all day!!! I loved it and really miss those little luxuries. Greg took Presley to Red wing and they had a parade so she came home all sugared up again. I swear we are allowing her way too much sweets!!! And this is coming from a mom who said " I am not letting my kid eat any candy!" UMM yeah that seems to be her main staple lately. This kid doesn't need any sugar to fuel her energy either. At least she doesn't get any more candy for going potty since she is completely trained now. It has been a few weeks with no accidents she even stays dry all night and gets up and pees in the morning by herself. All I have to do is wipe her butt after pooping. She will come out of the bathroom and say "presley pooped" and bends over with her butt in the air for me to wipe. It is funny though she will not use a porta-potty. Greg had to bring her to a store yesterday at the parade cuz she wouldn't use the nasty porta-potty....I don't blame her I hold it for as long as I can before I finally break down and have to use those stinky things. She sees the nasty poop sitting in them and refuses to use it. Man they are nasty!!! So I just realized I turn 37 in 6 weeks and I HAVE to try to get back on the weight loss/exercise kick. I need to be down 10 pounds by sept. 15th!! I don't want to be my weight on my birthday, I need to crack down and get serious!!!! Why can't I find self control lately?? I never had a problem with losing weight I would get on a diet and a few weeks later lose 10 pounds without that much effort. Since being preggo I just can't seem to get it together. So frustrating!!!
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