I don't know what my problem is this week but I am soooo tired. The first thing I do is run to my coffee pot and brew the thickest black tar you ever drank and that doesn't even seem to help. I could have taken a nap today but I have to get up at 2:30am to leave for the rabbit show in the morning!!! I am going to be one tired lil' girl by tomorrow night. I am riding up with a lady I have never met, I just found her this week, she breeds french lops and is going to the show to show some of her rabbits. I was going to buy one from her but then I found out about the show and I want to check out some rabbits there first. She only has solids and I really love the brokens so I didn't want to settle until I check out all my options. I told Greg last night that I want to start showing and maybe breeding french lops....he didn't say much other than as long as it doesn't take up too much of my time. I think he just doesn't want to be stuck home with Presley on the weekends all the time. I said when she is old enough her and I'll be out of your hair and you can have some weekends to yourself. I guess I will see what happens this weekend and if it looks like something that would be fun I'll just play it by ear. So back to going up there with a complete stranger.....if you don't hear from me again you know what happened!
My muscovy ducks are 2 weeks now so I have taken them outside a couple times this week to play. They are so dang cute waddling all around. They are still pretty nervous of us but will let us be by them. They say not to be too friendly with them cuz when the boys hit sexual maturity they can view us as an equal and can get aggressive if there are females he is trying to swoon. Well if I have a male and he is nasty he will just go bye-bye. They have sharp claws and we don't need any crazy males attacking us. I still need to work on a duck house for them. I think by this time next week they can have free range of the backyard and they will need a place to go into at night from predators.
Booboo is doing well since he has been back home. I have treated him twice with DE for his fleas and yesterday I couldn't find any live ones on him so hopefully they are all dead and we don't have a problem in the yard with any more fleas. I think I contained it to just him in his cage but one never knows about those nasty bugs. In 12 years of owning animals I have never had to deal with any fleas so this is a first for me. I'm not worried about the chickens cuz they have DE in their bedding and the new rabbit I get I will put DE in his bedding as well. I should sprinkle some in the dog's bedding and maybe rub Louie down with some too just for preventive measures. You can never be too safe. DE is diatomaceous Earth it is wonderful stuff for many things. You just have to make sure it is food grade cuz they have stuff that isn't and it is toxic.