I am working on my assignment for class and I am lost and confused about these settings on my camera. We are to shoot "sunny 16" so f/16 with iso 100 or 200 whatever our camera can go to and shutter speed of 1/80 or 1/90 depending on iso and then blah blah blah I am confused about actions shots and equivalent to the "sunny 16" rule!!! It is finally sunny out today and warm above freezing so I am trying to get it all done today. My GF mer is confused too so it is the blind leading the blind. Greg dropped P off at my mom's for a sleep over so we have the whole day to do whatever we want!!!! I need to finish this homework for class on monday and maybe squeeze some sewing in. Later tonight we will probably go see a movie and maybe dinner??? The old standby for date night....
Saturday, January 31, 2009
so confused
I am working on my assignment for class and I am lost and confused about these settings on my camera. We are to shoot "sunny 16" so f/16 with iso 100 or 200 whatever our camera can go to and shutter speed of 1/80 or 1/90 depending on iso and then blah blah blah I am confused about actions shots and equivalent to the "sunny 16" rule!!! It is finally sunny out today and warm above freezing so I am trying to get it all done today. My GF mer is confused too so it is the blind leading the blind. Greg dropped P off at my mom's for a sleep over so we have the whole day to do whatever we want!!!! I need to finish this homework for class on monday and maybe squeeze some sewing in. Later tonight we will probably go see a movie and maybe dinner??? The old standby for date night....
Friday, January 30, 2009
Friday I'm in love
It is a bright sunny day today!!! Granted the temp is -2 degrees right now but it sure looks warm outside. Al Gore is delirious there is no global warming just come to MN Al and you'll change your song and dance!!! We are going to try to make it over to my dad's today. Both P and I have coughs and runny noses so I'll see if he want us or not. We made it to the club last night and then I dropped both of them off at home and ran to the grocery store. Ah yeah don't go to the grocery store right after a big workout and hungry!!! I spent 250 bucks and we are just a family of 3. This should last for a couple weeks with maybe a small run next week of 50 bucks or so. When you eat healthy it really costs so much more. I guess our grocery budget is about $600 a month which I think is high but then I was talking to my GF today and she says hers is about $1200 a month!!! Then I didn't feel so bad. Granted she has 3 kids so they are a family of 5. Pre Presley we would only spend about 80 bucks a week but I forget that we would eat out about 2-3 times a week too and that would run 30-50 bucks a time. So I guess it all washes out. We hardly ever eat out now. Maybe one a month or every 6 weeks. We might do a fast food run here and there but that is usually cheap. I am so excited Presley is having a sleep over at my mom's tomorrow so Greg and I get a date night!!! I'll be dropping her off early tomorrow and picking her up sunday so a whole 24+ hours of just G and me. I think I want to go see a movie and maybe dinner. I have been so good on WW that I have my flex points I can use so I am going to enjoy eating and not worrying about how many points this is. You still have to live and enjoy live I just can't be so strict all the time cuz then I'll rebel and fall of the wagon.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Only 2.5
I am sooo disappointed that in this whole week of basically starving myself I only lost 2.5 pounds!!!! I guess the days of dropping big weight each week are long gone. My metabolism just isn't like it used to be. Oh well 2.5 is better than nothing and much better than gaining. I hope this week is another 3 pounds. I am dedicated to this cause so I am not giving up after one week. I only worked out 2 times so I really need to make sure it is 3-4 times a week to see better results. So if I stick to about 2 pounds per week it looks like the first week of april will be about 20 pounds down. So hopefully by may 1st I am down 25 pounds and will be much happier in my summer clothes and mostly my bathingsuit. Our club has an awesome swimming pool for little ones and I don't want Presley to miss out on it this summer cuz her fat momma won't squeeze herself into her suit. I just have one client tonight so afterward we are heading to the club. Maybe I'll mix it up and take one of their classes. Sometime those machines get really boring. The other night I was in front of the one tv that plays music videos and whoa it is really motivating cuz all those women in the vids have perfect bods and wear NO clothes. The new Mairiah video she has lost a ton of weight and looks really good the other one was a beoncye one where she is in this skimpy outfit and all you see is butt and legs and then I look in the mirrors at myself and I find myself going at a little faster pace in order to look like them. Very motivating I must say. Maybe if I shave my legs today I'll lose another pound....it's been awhile....poor greg lives with sasquatch. The pic above is me in my mom's new glasses. I don't wear glasses and that's a good thing cuz look how old and grown up I look. I look like a middle aged mom....wait I almost am middle aged!!!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
syrup today
A few weeks ago it was louie and buttcream today was Tori and syrup. Presley got the syrup out of the pantry opened it and turned it upside down and stared poring it all over the floor so Tori runs over there to help clean it up and then she starts pouring it all over the dog's back and head!!! By the time I came into the kitchen it was all over the place and let me tell you cleaning up syrup has got to be one of the most sticky messy things. She has been on a timeout 2 times already this morning and it isn't even noon yet!!! I swear we need spring here asap so we can go outside and blow off some of this energy. Being on a diet isn't helping the situation either cuz I am so hungry and crabby all day so my fuse is very short. Right now I am eating a nasty lean cuisine and am think being fat sure is a lot more fun and easy. All I know is weigh in is tomorrow and I better see some good results. We made it to the club last night and I did 30 mins of cardio and some weights. The club was packed last night and I hate when it is that busy. Presley likes all the extra kids in the daycare. I love picking her up and sneaking in there and watching her play. A lot of the times she is playing by herself but last night she was playing with a little boy and she is just so sweet to other kids. Very gentle and is always giving hugs and kisses. Yesterday at the children's museum there was a boy that grab a toy from Presley and said hey that's mine and Presley said I sorry. Even though Presley had the toy first. I get so mad I just want to discipline all those naughty kids. Sometimes if the parents aren't around I will say something to them like that is not nice....and give them the evil eye. I guess my kid will be naughty in public sooner or later without my knowledge but hopefully some other parent will call her on the carpet about her behavior. I don't mind I think too many people just don't take any responsibility for their children's actions and always push it off like it is someone else's fault. Like if he wouldn't of taken that toy away from little johnny we wouldn't have pushed your kid down. Some people just really irk me. Not saying I'm perfect but.....nearly perfect;)hahahahah
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
potty on the toilet
Tonight while I was working Greg came into my salon with a naked butt baby and said guess what Presley just did??? She knocked on the bathroom door and said potty so daddy opened the door and she sat on her potty and went pee!!!! First time she has ever done it on her own and asked to do it. So she got a hershey kiss and was so proud of herself!!! Who knows if it will happen again but I guess she is understanding the whole concept. I think getting a chocolate for a reward is going to seal the deal she is her mother's daughter and is a sucker for sweets! I guess I better go to the store and make sure I am stocked up on hershey kisses!!! I am going to try to keep this rolling and hopefully we are on our way to potty training. Sure would be nice to get rid of diapers.
Children's museum

We are getting our moneys worth out of our yearly member pass. It has paid for itself and then some and we have 3/4 of the year left. Also a nice perk today was there was a fairly long line to check in and then an employee came around with a little hand held scanner and asked if anyone was members and I said we are he scanned my card gave us our stickers and we went right in which is so great when you have an over excited 2 year old trying to butt in line so she can go play asap!!!! I met my GF sam and her twin boys so we got a little adult time in while the kids ran around and played. The morning started out with the most whiny Presley ever so I was glad to get her out or I think it would have been a real long day and my nerves would have been shot after a couple hours couped up with her attitude in the house. She didn't get to bed until after 9pm last night and was up at 7 so she is extra tired. I had class so not sure why she was up that late.....daddy is a sucker and I think he let her stay up when she should have been in bed. Class was great we had a little quiz and I got one wrong. It has been forever since I have actually had to study and read and retain the info. It is a little intimidating but i think I'll be just fine. Our assignment this week is to shoot different subjects under the "sunny 16" rule. I had never heard of it before. It means in a sunny outside situation you put your camera on either iso 100/200 and f/16 and shoot with a correct shutter speed that works to keep an even exposure. Then keeping with the sunny 16 rule do some shots with a moving subject and changing the shutter speed. I hope we have some sunny days coming up soon!!!! It is gray and cloudy today. I am so sick of january and very relieved it is coming to an end real quick. This january has been the coldest january in 30 years and we are all going stir crazy here. Just one more month of cold weather and usually march we tend to warm up to days in the 30/40's which feels warm after below freezing days. You know after 36 years of living here you would think I would be used to the winters but every year I forget how crappy they really are. I try not to think about them too much or else you really would never leave the house. Still doing good with the WW it has been 5 days and I stepped on the scale and down 2.5 pounds so hopefully thursday my weigh in day I can be close to the 5 pound mark. I need to up my workouts but the first week I am just trying to survive on the lack of food....baby steps
Sunday, January 25, 2009
doing good
It is the end of day 4 of WW. Today was the first day I wasn't starving the whole day. I think my body is getting use to the lack of food. I never made it to the club yesterday but we went today and I did 45 minutes of cardio. This summer when I was working out a ton I was still eating like a sumo wrestler so this is the first time in a long time I am doing both diet and workout together so hopefully I see some results this time around. My school book came yesterday so I got to read my 2 chapters for class tomorrow. I was stressin' that I wouldn't have my book for class. I went to the store today and picked up a couple supplies we needed and I bought some cute highlighters and a new fun pen and notebook to take notes. I had to buy pink!!!! We have to turn in our assignments in pocket folders and I bought a pink one with flowers. I have a feeling my GF Mer is going to give me crap for my new girlie folder. I made another trip to the library yesterday and man it really works for my shopping urge. I love being able to browse and pick fun books out and checkout and everything is FREE!!! I think I need to make a big tote so it is easier to return and get books and just throw them in my bag. I love an excuse to sew. Today Greg and i organized some cabinets and closets. I threw out so many old outdated medicines that have been collecting dust. We also put up all the cleaners in a shelf that P can't reach. I use all Melaleuca stuff so it is safer if she gets into it but still not good for her. I love my melaleuca cleaners!!! It just feels so good to have all toxic cleaners out of my house. The only thing I have are my stainless steel cleaners cuz Melaleuca doesn't make anything to clean them like they need to be without streaks. I am sure they will come out with something cuz so many people have stainless steel appliances. My towels have never been softer using their laundry stuff. If you guys are able to try some melaleuca stuff you won't be sorry. I just think about all the nasty chemicals in so many household cleaners and having Presley really makes you realize how safe you want to make your home for them. Even my dogs are probably happy they live in a greener environment.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
New blog home

ok I have had it with my other blog site it has been acting up for awhile so now this is my new home along with this blog too.. I will have to learn the ropes of this site and how to post all my pics and such but I am a quick learner so hopefully it will be easy for you guys to see my simple life in all it's glory. The best thing is you'll be able to leave me comments finally.....easy now dad let's not go too crazy with the smart a$$ comments. I had my book show last night (Man these books are just so cute I had a hard time figuring out what ones to get) and had some girls over for some apps and wine. I did really good and I think I stayed within my points. I know I went to bed hungry so that is always a good sign. I forgot how bad the first week is back on a diet. I was so used to consuming huge portions and now I am eating like a super model and it sucks. Presley stayed up till after 9pm last night and she was up at 7am!!! Too early for me so I am sitting here drinking some coffee hoping to get some energy. Greg had to work a few hours this morning and when he gets back we are going to the club and then I want to do some sewing this afternoon. I am also waiting on my photo book for class I am suppose to read 2 chapters by monday and still no book. Not a good start to the class. I got my photo assignment done which was 24 pics outside. I made sure to have those taken before the weekend cuz now it is super cold again. I went to the library the other night cuz I had some quilting books on hold and man I forgot how much I love the library. I picked up some books for P so we have a new selection to read before bed. I love love love this new big girl bed I just crawl on in and snuggle and read. Last night was the first night we just put her to bed without reading and I was a little nervous she wasn't going to go to sleep but she pulled the blankie up to her chin smiled and went to bed. Then we went to kennel the dogs and Carly was MIA and we figured out she was sleeping in P's bed so I had to sneak back in there and dig her out of the blankies. It was melted caramel all over the place!!! That is what we say when Carly is all warm and toasty and out like a light in bed cuz when you go and grab her she is hot and limp and cuz she is caramel color we say oh man we got melted caramel all over the bed!!!! My minpins are little burrowers. They hate the cold they probably hate living in MN too. They run outside to their business and run back in sometimes there is still a dingleberry hanging as they are running back into the house cuz they can't handle the cold so they try pinchin' it off before they are done!!! Awww goog this coffe is startin' to kick in so time to get up and moving. My goal is 45 mins of cardio today!!!!
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